Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Kabar gembira dari Roma buatku, 21 February 2006

Hari ini hari Selasa, 21 Februari 2006. Di pagi hari jam 10.10 saat aku membaca bacaan untuk kuliah hari Kamis, aku menerima telepon dari Pastor Provinsial SX di USA, Father Ivan Marchesin. Beliau memberitahukan secara resmi padaku bahwa permohonan kaul kekal dan diakonatku telah dikabulkan oleh Direksi General SX di Roma....sungguh gembira rasanya dan plong mendengarkan kabar ini. Dia forward e-mail dari wakil superior general sx, Father Luigi Menegazzo lalu aku abadikan di blog ini. Berita gembira yang sama di bawah ini bahwa aku akan diutus ke Jepang sebagai misionaris setelah aku ditahbiskan jadi pastor mungkin pertengahan tahun 2007 di Indonesia. Berkat dan rahmat Tuhan begitu besar, aku hanya bisa bersujud di kamarku dan mengucap syukur atas berita gembira ini seraya memanjatkan doa dan pujianku pada Dia yang telah memanggilku. Dengan "kidung Magnificat" aku bersujud di hadirat Yang Maha Kasih. Ini surat resmi dari Roma yang menjadi kenangan tersendiri bagiku....
Salam dan doaku untuk negeri Sakura yang menjadi impianku....
Sedianya aku akan kaul kekal di komunitas SX di Franklin-Wisconsin pada 6 Mei sore 2006 lalu tahbisan diakonat di Gereja St. Therese Chinatown Chicago tanggal 14 Mei 2006. Kutunggu hari-hari penuh harapan di bulan Mei dari kaul kekal, tahbisan diakonat, wisuda M.Div dari CTU (18 Mei) lalu sakramen krisma untuk ke-6 anak didiku di St. Therese Church Chinatown Chicago (28 Mei) lalu 29 Mei aku bisa liburan ke Indonesia bersama Dharmawan. Kabar gembira lain yaitu aku dah dapat tiket JAL tuk liburan ke Indonesia dari 29 Mei hingga 21 Agustus 2006...jadinya yah 12 minggu persis.
Tanda terima kasihku buat Tuhan dan Bunda Maria yang terus menjagaku:
Denny Wahyudi, SX

Rome, 20 February 2006

International Theology

Re: Admission to Final Profession and Diaconate

Dear Denny Wahyudi,
I am very happy to inform you that, during session no. 26 of the General Council, the Superior General, with the favorable opinion of his Councilors, admitted you to the Final Profession in our Congregation. He also confirmed your admission to the Order of Deacon.

Together with our congratulations on this very important occasion in your life, we also wish to assure you of our prayers. May your final Consecration find you always faithful and may the Ministry of deacon bear witness to your consecration. In becoming a Minister to God’s People you must always be an example and encouragement to them. Always be faithful to the solemn and public promise to pray the daily Liturgy of the Hours in its entirety. You are a man of prayer and through prayer you will become pastor of the people and a messenger of Christ.

Draw up a plan, in dialogue with your Regional Superior, that will ensure you have an intense experience of the Diaconate; you should also begin to plan the time of your Ordination to the Priesthood.

The Superior General, having learned of your desire to work in Japan, discussed the matter with the Councilors and is oriented towards assigning you to this mission immediately after your Ordination to the Priesthood. The final assignment will be made when you are admitted to the Priesthood.

We entrust this very solemn and important moment of your life to Our Blessed Lady, who has always guided and protected you.

Fr. Luigi Menegazzo

Copy to:
Fr. I. Marchesin, Regional Superior, USA
Fr. V. Baravalle, Superior Delegate, Indonesia

“Only the good and rational person
is capable of true friendship,
for reason stirs up and nourishes friendship” (Francis DeSales)

Alexander Denny Wahyudi, sx
Xaverian Missionaries
1347 East Hyde Park Boulevard
Chicago, Illinois 60615-2924
Phone 773 643 5745 Fax 773 643 6907

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