Sunday, June 05, 2005

1st letter of June 2005

1) 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time, June 05, 2005

Monday, May 30, 2005. We had Mass in the morning at 6.30 because Petrus and Ignas are going to go to O’Hare airport early in the morning, returning to Indonesia for Petrus and vacation for Ignatius. Soon after breakfast, we (2 cars) took them to O’Hare airport. They flew by Japan Airlines at 11.35 a.m. Today is also Memorial Day, a national day off, so the trip to go to the airport was very smooth. I think for next year, 2006 when my time comes to have vacation to Indonesia, I will take this date as well, the Memorial Day, the last Sunday in May.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005. In the afternoon I headed to Saint Therese Church in Chinatown by bicycle to meet my spiritual director, Father Michael, sx, to have spiritual direction. On the way to this place I took green line train and I met my classmate, Vertus Elvenord, a former Scalabrinian student from Haiti who now lives at a Claretian house at Pilsen.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005. In the morning after Mass and breakfast, I went to CTU to borrow some 10 books for my CPE program. I was asked to have a book written by Henry J. Nouwen, entitled The Living Reminder. I got some paper of my courses I took this spring semester and the results were pretty good. Thanks to God. I called up Ignatius in Jakarta at the Xaverian philosophy house. He just arrived in Jakarta and said that he was sweating a lot; Jakarta is quite hot. In the afternoon from 4 to 5 I had personal formation with Father Rocco, my rector. He gave me a written testimonial paper after finishing my second year of my theology studies in Chicago. It recommends me to continue my formation journey toward final vows and deaconate ordination, hopefully this coming year. After supper, together with Father Victor, Dharmawan and Atumisi, I took a walk at the Lakeshore to enjoy the beautiful evening and the sunset at 8.20 p.m.

Thursday, June 02, 2005. After Mass, Alejandro made pancake for our breakfast. It’s my favorite meal in the morning, mixed with butter and maple syrup. I did clean up the basement and did laundry of my own clothes. In the afternoon I cooked for my community, Lasagna and Tom Yum soup. After supper we (Father Rocco and I) watched television. Then Alejandro was coming, brought a DVD entitled the Passion of Priest and we watched together with Dharmawan and Atumisi.

Friday, June 03, 2005. In the morning I put all of my journals I have been writing since my stay in the USA, in November 2002 on the It can be opened on:
After supper, together with Father Victor, Dharmawan and Atumisi, I went to the Indonesian prayer group at State Street, the house of Budi and Rina. There were about 19 fellows coming and we shared the vocation life of newly ordained priests of Indonesian SVD, Fransis and Sonny and also other friends. They came with their family as a moment of thanksgiving and farewell prayer as they continue their mission in Hungary and Angola. Martino provided chicken noodle and the mother of Astrid who just came to Chicago from Jakarta to visit Astrid-Darwin and Leonard (her grandson) also cooked for us. We had good time in the hospitality and worship-fellowship led by Budi, our PWKI leader. I apologized being absent for one year, not to come to this prayer group since I was busy with my ministry, David Darst Center, a retreat house. I believe that this prayer group has influenced me a lot in my first year living in Chicago in which I had desire to support and to be supported in a small group of faith. I said in my sharing that like John the Baptis, I told my experience of this group to Father Victor and eventually he contributed to this group as if I prepared a way of Father Victor to come. I owe also to Father Sonny, svd who always faithfully picked me up to come to this prayer group in 2003-2004, my first year in Chicago. My sincere gratitude also to Budi and Rina who always welcome us to pray together in their house. May it give fruits in our lives as we encourage and empower each other as Catholics.

Saturday, June 04, 2005. In the morning once again we enjoyed pancake made by Alejandro (Pato). At 10.30 a.m. I was picked up by Father Sony, svd and his family, to go to an Indonesian family in the suburb, Jeffey-Yolanda. We picked up Father Rudi, osc at CTU as well. After arrived at their house, we met an OSC priest from Netherland who works in Indonesia, a former provincial of OSC in Indonesia. He takes a sexuality course at CTU this summer. Father Francis, svd and his family came as well. Jeffrey is a professor at IIT, Chicago and he’s from Ruteng-Flores, Indonesia. They invited both newly ordained priests at this lunch. They served us, Indonesian traditional meal, tumpeng. At 2 p.m. in the heavy raining, we continued our journey to return to SVD house on Ellis Street. I followed them and at 4 p.m. Father Sonny, SVD said his first Mass at Saint Ambrose Church on 47th Street. He ministered this church as deacon for one year. We had hospitality and meal at the rectory. Finally, Father Sonny, svd and his family took me home. I was so exhausted and sleepy this evening then I went to bed early at 8 p.m.

Sunday, June 05, 2005. After woke up in the morning at 6.30, took shower and prayed breviary personally at my room, I attended Mass at Saint Thomas the Apostle at 8 a.m. then I went to CTU to check our Xaverian mailbox but there was nothing. I returned home soon and prepared many things for my Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) at Alexian Brother Hospital at Elk Grove Village, Illinois from 6 June to 19 August 2005. I am going to stay at Alexian Brother’s community, just behind the hospital. Before noon, I was typing this journal and at 3 p.m. Father Rocco,sx is going to take me to my CPE site.

From now on, probably, I would not translate this journal to Indonesian since I have to spend my time to many other things. I think it’s enough in English, I am sorry for my penpals who are not accustomed in English. I am sending this at Sunday noon while the weather is so warm and sunshine lightly. Hopefully, when I stay at Alexian Brother’s community, I have chance to access the Internet so that I can continue to share my experience especially at this CPE program for 11 weeks ahead. Thank you.

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