Sunday, January 29, 2006

5th letter of January 2006

Sunday, January 29, 2006
5th letter of January 2006

5) 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 29, 2006

Monday, January 23, 2006.
In the morning Father Rocco asked me to give my testimonium file of my formation in philosophy and novitiate from Indonesia; I made photocopy of them and gave him for the presentation of my perpetual vows and deaconate ordination’s application. In the afternoon I have class of religious life in context and paid a check $ 140 for my graduation of M.Div II that will be held in May 18, 2006.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006.
In the morning I was typing draft of my final paper on Capstone class. In the afternoon I got a phone call from my friend in NYC, Theresia (Ken-ken).

Wednesday, January 25, 2006.
Father Rocco asked me to have medical check-up and I have appointment with Doctor Ramirez next Tuesday morning. It’s for the application of final vows and deaconate ordination as required by Vademecum of the Xaverians. At night, Father Michael, a Dominican and the chaplain of IYCS came back from Louisiana.

Thursday, January 26, 2006.
I did some reasearch and reading on Religious Life in Context for my final paper. At night we had community meeting.

Friday, January 27, 2006.
This morning I had the last class of Capstone and I still have to finish my 4 to 5 pages final paper for next week. In the afternoon I had the last class of religious life in context and I have to do 12-15 research paper due on next Friday.

Saturday, January 28, 2006.
In the morning there was meeting of YCS at Saint Gail’s parish attended by Fathers Rocco, Victor, Michael (Dominican), Manoj, Atumisi and Alejandro plus three youth from Miami, FL. In the morning I did clean the kitchen and cooked for supper: hot dog and gado-gado (Indonesian salad with peanut butter dressing). In the supper there were our guests: Edi Liang and a Nias sister. At night I had sharing face-to-face with Valery.
Today is raining and the night of the Lunar New Year, Chinese New Year, the year of Dog, 2557.

Sunday, January 29, 2006.
This morning the road is still wet and I went to Saint Therese Chinatown with Valery. After attending the Mass at 9.30, with Cesare, I was at the confirmation program. At noon I was invited by Marvin and other Indonesian friends (Edi-Lisa, Astrid-Darwin plus Leonard to have lunch at a restaurant while the road was crowded by people who saw the Chinese parade at Chinatown Chicago. I came back to Saint Therese rectory and Edi Liang gave us (Valery and I) a ride to Hyde Park. After the supper, I had meeting with Father Rocco and Francois for liturgy this coming week in the community. At night I was trying to do my paper on Religious Life in Context and Capstone.


Sunday, January 22, 2006

4th letter of January 2006

Sunday, January 22, 2006
4th letter of January 2006

4) Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 22, 2006

Monday, January 16, 2006.
With Dharmawan I was staying at Saint Therese rectory Chinatown. Starting from today to Saturday, I presided the communion service at this mission church while Fathers Michael and Aniello are in Franklin attending the Xaverian assembly. At 7.15 a.m. I opened the door of the church then I was waiting for some people coming. Everyday 6 elderley women plus one old man, Frank come to attend the 7.45 a.m. prayer. Since today is Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Day, the national day off, so I have time to study, no school. At night Dharmawan and Edi were cooking fried rice at the rectory.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006.
Morning as usual at the church. Dharmawan gave me a ride to CTU in the morning since I have class at 9 a.m., the Capstone course. This time, Robert Schreiter was teaching about Culture. From 1 to 3.45 p.m. I had class of Religious Life in Context. There were 7 presentations of the students. While I was doing my homework again Dharmawan and Edi plus Michael were cooking friend rice for our supper.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006.
Morning prayer as usual with the congregation of Saint Therese Church. Dharmawan took me to CTU because at 9 a.m. I had meeting with the director of M.Div program, Sister Barbara Bowe, rscj. After she checked all of my courses, she declared that I can graduate of M.Div track II on May 18 this year. This Spring semester 2006 I have two more courses for my M.Div program. Finally, I can finish my M.Div program for three years as I have been planning in the beginning of my study at CTU. Today at the class of Religious Life in Context there were some presentations again from the students. After coming back to Saint Therese, in the evening Dharmawan helped by Lisa and Edi prepared our supper, again friend rice from the leftover rice last Sunday. At night I read some readings of Religious Life in context course.

Thursday, January 19, 2006.
As usual this morning I led the prayer and Dharmawan read the first reading in the church. With Dharmawan I went to Saint Therese School to meet the teacher of 2nd grader and she liked to postpone the meeting of the 2nd graders with Father Michael and reschedule again because Father Michael is in Franklin. In the morning Dharmawan and I went to Hyde Park and I did my paper. In the class of Religious Life in Context there were two guests, namely, two brothers from CSC (Holy Cross) and Christian Brothers (FSC). They shared their experience and spirituality of brotherhood in their congregations. They are Brother Paul, csc and Kevin, fsc. With Dharmawan I went back to Saint Therese in the evening. Again in the evening Dharmawan, Edi and Michale were preparing food, fried rice for our supper. I was busy reading and typing my paper.

Friday, January 20, 2006.
This morning there were some Caucasian youth coming to join our communion service at Saint Therese Church. Most of them received communion by mouth, not through their hands. That’s what make me wondered. IN the morning Dharmawan took me to CTU because I have class at 9 a.m., the Capstone and at 1 to 3.45 p.m. the class of Religious Life in Context. I was presenting my power point presentation about Religious Life in Indonesia. After we went to Hyde Park, Dharmawan and I went to Saint Therese. It was raining and at night there’s snowing. Dharmawan cooked with Edi for our supper then Dharmawan went to Indonesian prayer group at Rina-Budi’s house. I got e-mail from Andi Nalu, the Xaverian student in the philosophy house in Jakarta, saying that my book he asked to send is already received yesterday. It takes two weeks since I sent it through post office. I’m glad that he finally got it for his ‘skripsi’, final project for his degree. Dharmawan and Harno came to Saint Therese at night.

Saturday, January 21, 2006.
As usual in the morning I was presiding the communion service. At 10 p.m. we (Dharmawan, Harno and I) went back to Hyde Park. At noon, Dharmawan, Alejandro, Pascal and I headed to Franklin, Wisconsin to attend the Xaverian assembly. We visited Chris Grohold first then we went to our house in Franklin. At 5 p.m. we celebrated Mass followed by supper together and singing. At 9 p.m. we went back to Chicago.

Sunday, January 22, 2006.
In the morning together with Valery I went to Chinatown. The Mass at 9.30 a.m. presided by Father Michael helped by Deacon Paul, svd and myself. The organist is new one, Rita Padawangi, the Indonesian girl who studies Ph.D at Loyola University. At 10.45 a.m. to noon I was teaching the Confirmation program. The 6 of them came to this class while Cesare, s.j. was not coming due to his retreat. I taught them about Jesus but in simple way, using the weekly magazine for them and filling out a questionaire about Jesus according to Gospel of Mark 1-2. At the end of the class I gave them rope game. It seems that they were very happy, laughing and spontaneously responsed my question. After they tried this rope game, they couldn’t figure it out and I gave it as their homework for next week. If they still don’t know, I am going to tell them how to solve this game.
In the lunch there were Mandarin people and Chinese food and I joined them. I met one Indonesian lady who gathered to this Mandarin group. She is Theresia living in downtown Chicago. An SVD brother, Andrew, my classmate at Religious Life in Context introduced me to this lady. I heard from some people that she married with a former Jesuit priest, a White American, a tall guy. She invited us to come to her house this coming Saturday to have dinner for Chinese New Year’s celebration. I was chatting with two Maryknool sisters, namely, Elisabeth from mainland China and Sarah from Myanmar.
Before the meditation at 3 p.m. I was asked by George to help carrying sofa and other things from Paul’s house, not far from the church. Then, I knew that Paul is the father of Brittany (5th grader at St. Therese School) and Tiffany (a girl who was in my confirmation group two years ago). His wife is Cindy. At 3 to 4 p.m. we (Father Michael, Valery, Edi and I) had meditaion, silent prayer before the tabernacle. At 4.30 p.m. by Father Michael’s car, Edi dropped us (Valery and I) at Hyde Park. I was cooking: Pizza, Lasagna. At 7 p.m. we had evening prayer and then supper. Afterward, I was typing this weekly journal. Today the weather outside is not that cold.

Monday, January 16, 2006

3rd letter of January 2006

Sunday, January 15, 2006
3rd letter of January 2006

3) 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 15, 2006

Monday, January 09, 2006
Today we start our J-Term semester at CTU for three weeks. In the morning I was taking care of Christmas decoration and Christmas tree as Father Luigi suggested me because the Christmas is over. At 11 a.m. I met the director of MA at CTU, Sister Mary Frohlich, rscj to check my MA studies. She gave me good news that I just need 2 more courses for my MA after finishing this Spring semester 2006. So, I just concentrate on two more spirituality courses in the Fall semester 2006 plus preparing myself for the oral exam in March or February 2007 while I am doing my deaconate year probably at Saint Therese Church in Chinatown Chicago. At 1 p.m. to 3.45 p.m. I attended a spirituality class entitled Religious Life in Context with the professor, Sister Mary Chandler, rscj. There are about 16 students at this class including Dharmawan, sx. At 5 to 6 p.m. in the community meeting, Father Lupo and Father Luigi spoke to us about their concern as General Direction as usual. At night I typed my paper for tomorrow, a Capstone class and Religious Life in Context.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006.
In the morning Father Lupo presided the Mass. I had class at CTU, starting this morning with Capstone at 9 to 12 p.m. There are about 27 students who attended this class taught by Gary Rieber, svd. At 1 p.m. to 3.45 p.m. I attended the Religious Life in Context class. Before lectio divina at the community at 5 p.m. Father Lupo and Father Luigi asked me to talk about my plan to have final vows and deaconate ordination in the Spring 2006. I told them that it’s already my plan that is agreed already by all three formators here. I just wait to my formators what to do in these next couple of months; hopefully it will be realized in April or May 2006. At night I was some readings of Religious Life in Context.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006.
In the morning Father Luigi presided the Mass talking about the ministry of deaconate regards to the Gospel reading of today. At 8 a.m. by CTA bus I went to downtown to donate my blood at Thompson Center building. It is the second time I donated after I did for the first time in Chicago 8 weeks ago. After coming back home, I typed my paper of Religious Life in Context class. At noon Father Ivan and Dominic came to our community to pick up Father Luigi and Father Lupo then after having lunch they went to Franklin community. At night I got a phone call from a psychologist, named Father Frank Cimarussti and I will meet him on Saturday at 6 p.m. at the rectory of Saint Matthias Church between Lawrence and Western Avenue, close to CTA Brown line, Western Station. At night I was reading the articles of Religious Life in Context for tomorrow.

Thursday, January 12, 2006.
In the morning I was reading articles of Religious Life in Context. At 1 to 3.45 p.m. I attended the class of Religious Life in Context in which there were Sister Dawn Nowehr, osf and an Augustinian priest who shared their spirituality to us. At 5 p.m. we had Holy Hour led by Francois. At night I was doing the paper of capstone and religious life.

Friday, January 13, 2006.
In the morning I had class of Capstone in which in the second part, Steve Bevans, svd gave us his power presentation of Tradition. I ate my lunch with Joseph Nguyen, the Spiritan at the cafeteria. Today Father Willy Mukucha, sx moved to Holy Name of Mary church. This morning Father Pascal had Mass at Saint Therese Church with Dharmawan then he had provincial meeting at Franklin.

Saturday, January 14, 2006.
In the morning Father Rocco asked me to write two letters of application to perpetual vows (to the Superior General of SX) and deaconate ordination (to the Provincial of SX in the USA). I had alread the concept to write it and since I was asked to do it, I did it directly this morning. We (Dharmawan, Harno, and I) together with two other Indonesian friends, Michael and Livia, went to Hoffman Estate to attend the baby shower of Dewi-Mulianto. I enjoyed the food, the Indonesian food especially, “Es Teler.” At 4.15 p.m. we went back to Chicago and Dharmawan gave me a ride to Saint Matthias Church. I met the psychologist for the first time in the USA, Father Frank Cimarussti. Only 45 minutes he interviewed me and he told me that I candidly answered his questions and I’m ready to have final profession. I was very glad to know it. He said that it’s enough for this meeting. I went back to Hyde Park arrived at 8 p.m.

Sunday, January 15, 2006.
In the morning I woke up at 7 a.m. and after took shower I prayed personally the breviary at my own room. At 8 a.m. with Valery, I went to Saint Therese Church. At 9.30 a.m. as usual I served the Mass with Father Michael and other minsiters. Deacon Paul, svd was preaching about his vocation story. The second reading was read by Michelle, the student of Confirmation program in my group and there were two altar servers in the same group, Alex and Priscilla. They start to serve the Church as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on May 28 this year. At 3 to 4 p.m. I joined the meditation prayer led by Father Michael at the church. There were 6 people at this weekly silent prayer. At 4 p.m. Father Michael treated us (Alun and me) to have supper at City Buffet, on Cicero, close to Midway Airport. At 7.16 p.m. we came back to Saint Therese and with Alun I went to Mimi’s house to attend her invitation of 30th birthday. There were some Indonesian friends present. At 10.30 p.m. Theresia gave us (Dharmawan and I) a ride to Saint Therese rectory. He and I stay at the rectory of Saint Therese church while Father Aniello and Michael have the Xaverian assembly at Franklin, Wisconsin from Monday to Saturday. We’re as students are going to go there on Saturday morning. At the room that used to be the room of Petrus, I was typing this journal.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

2nd letter of January 2006

Sunday, January 08, 2006
2nd letter of January 2006

2) Sunday The Epiphany of the Lord, January 08, 2006

Monday, January 02, 2006.
This week we (Father Rocco, Harno and I) are in charge of the liturgy in our community. There was a phone call of Sister Josephine from CTU who likes to go to Saint Therese Chinatown this coming Sunday. In the evening there’s lectio divina led by Father Victor. There is something new I found out on the, namely, DVD pictures in which I can put my picture albums.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006.
In the morning I went to CTU to return In focus projector at library then I went to public library at downtown to return CD’s of languages and I borrowed some DVD’s. I went to Saint Therese to meet Father Michael and he gave me a list of things for kids in the confirmation program. Father Michael also asked me to stay at Saint Therese while he’ll be away at the Xaverian assembly in Milwaukee on January 15 – 21. We watched at the basement a DVD entitled Bewitched. I got a book entitled Theology of the Body John Paul II from Amazon bought by Father Pascal. The price is about $ 17. At night Father Luigi Menegazzo, sx, the vice general of the Xaverians came to our community in Chicago from Rome.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006.
In the morning I sent through the post office the book of John Paul II, Theology of the Body, to Andi Nalu, a philosophy Xaverian student in Jakarta. The cost is about $ 20 and it will be useful for him to write his final project of his study. Good luck, Andy. I hope it comes soon in a week. In the afternoon Father Rocco gave me a phone number of psychologist so that I can start the process of interview, hopefully next week. I directly call him up and probably next week he will call me back to make an appointment. This is important for the process of my perpetual vows in the Spring 2006. At night I was doing the paper of Capstone for J-Term at CTU.

Thursday, January 05, 2006.
In the morning I was doing the paper of the Capstone. At 5 p.m. I led the Holy Hour with the theme of Epiphany. I read a reflection I got from Saint Anthony Messenger written by Richard Rohr, OFM. At night I was reading a Xaverian magazine about Vocation Mission Animation meeting in Asia and Africa. It’s interesting to know the situation of these two different continents that give hope for the Xaverians’ vocation now and future. At night also I read a letter and Christmas card sent by a friend from Yogyakarta, named Naning.

Friday, January 06, 2006.
In the morning from 9 a.m. to 10.10 a.m. I have personal meeting with Father Luigi Menegazzo, s.x. He talked a lot about his experience in Japan. In the evening I did laundry. Father Lupo, s.x. was picked up by Alejandro and Dharmawan at O’Hare airport in the afternoon. He is one of the councillors in the General Direction of the Xaverians. He flew from Mexico City. I met him last time two years ago when he visited our community in Chicago.

Saturday, January 07, 2006.
In the morning I was cleaning the stove at the kitchen. After the supper together with Harno and Dharmawan, I went to Edi-Lisa’s house in Chinatown to celebrate the birthday of Lisa (28). We had supper together with other Indonesian fellows (Darwin-Astrid plus Leonard little, Mira, Livia and Mimi). I remember last year we also came to the same occasion with Petrus as well.

Sunday, January 08, 2006.
In the morning together with Valery and Sister Josephina from CTU, originally from Austria and Swiss, I went by CTA bus and train to Saint Therese Church. I attended and served at the 9.30 Mass which was a Cantonese Mass presided by Father Tim, a Maryknoll Father. A quarter to eleven to twelve with Cesare, s.j. I start again teaching the confirmation kids and 6 of them came. Cesare was giving them the Order of the Mass and how to serve as altar servers. Today in the Mass, two of the confirmandi served as altar servers. They are Brittany and Michelle.
There was an Indonesian Mass at 11 a.m. at this same church and I saw the presider was Father Edi, o.s.c. accompanied by Father Lupo and Father Luigi. There was an Indonesian Vincentian priest came to this Mass, namely, Father Susilo who studies in New York City. We had hospitality and lunch together with all Indonesian fellows (40 people) who came at this Mass. I was asked again to read the farewell poetry written by Imelda Palmas. It is for Debby-Bambang plus their 3-month first child, Nicholas who are going to move to Sacramento, CA. As usual, the audience was silently and solemnly paying attention to my reading. Selamat jalan Debby and family….
For an hour I met Cesare, s.j. to plan our confirmation program for this semester. At 3 to 4 p.m. I attended the Meditation led by Father Michael before the tabernacle of the church. There were two other ladies at this silent prayer including Agnes. I went to the public library to return the DVD’s and went back home at Hyde Park. I have time to write this journal at my room.
In our supper there is Manoj, an Indian young fellow who works at International YCS located in Paris. I got a phone call at night from my frind in NYC, Franz Slamet who ask prayer for his friend, named Antonius Steven Widayat (25) who is in the hospice because of his sickness (stadium 4 of cancer).

Sunday, January 01, 2006

1st letter of January 2006

Sunday, January 01, 2005
1st letter of January 2006

1) January 01, 2006

Monday, December 26, 2005.
We (Ignas, Dharmawan, Harno, Alejandro and I) went to visit Imelda Palmas family at the suburb to celebrate Christmas (open house) till afternoon. There were a lot of guests coming and going at this family’s house. At night I worked on the power point of the kaleidescope.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005.
I still worked on the power point of the kaleidoscope.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005.
Continuing the kaleidoscope…. Thursday, December 29, 2005.
In the Holy Hour there were coming three guests from CTU (a Korean, Switzerland, African). I was feeling little bit sick, a kind of flu symptoms.

Friday, December 30, 2005.
I was still little bit sick. After breakfast I was cleaning the stove at the kitchen. At night after supper, we (8 Xaverian students plus Father Victor) went to Night Ministry on Belmont to share food to homeless people. It is the ministry site of Ignatius. We were there till 10 p.m. in the cold weather of Winter.

Saturday, December 31, 2005.
I worked for the last part of the kaleidoscope and finally at night about 8.20 p.m. I showed this power point I have made based upon my daily and weekly journal plus my photos this year 2005 to my Hyde Park Xaverian theology community. I am glad that I could give the best for my community at the end of this year. It lasted for one hour. It got positive response of my confreres here. At 9.40 p.m. for one hour we continued at the chapel with prayer led by Father Victor. The rest of the year 2005 I spent with Father Pascal, Victor, and Willy at the kitchen while other students went to Navy Pier to celebrate this old and new day. We signed the new year 2006 with drinking champagne together with Fathers Pascal, Willy and Victor at our house then I went to bed soon.

Sunday, January 01, 2006.
In the morning I went to Saint Therese Church with Valery by CTA bus and train. At 9.30 a.m. as usual I served at the altar with Father Michael and Deacon Paul, svd. At the basement we had hot pot lunch prepared by Father Michael. It’s seafood I enjoyed together with other friends. At 3 to 4 p.m. I joined the meditation before the tabernacle together with Father Michael and three other fellows. I went home by CTA and cooked/warmed up Pizza and Lasagna. At 7 p.m. we said evening prayer while Fathers Rocco, Victor and Willy went out for Taize prayer. In the supper we were only 4 Indonesian students present (Ignas, Dharmawan, Harno and Denny). Afterward, I type this journal to conclude my last week of the year 2005.