Sunday, March 12, 2006

2nd letter of March 2006

Sunday, March 12, 2006
2nd letter of March 2006

2) 2nd Sunday of Lent, March 12, 2006

Monday, March 06, 2006.
In the morning I attended classes of Natural Law and the Beguines. In the evening I attended the class of Biblical Foundation of Spirituality. In the evening class I talked to a young Japanese Passionist priest named Paul and he told me that on March 18th there is Japanese Mass and gathering at Columban house. It’s good sign to know little bit about Japanese Mass and culture.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006.
In the morning we were visited by Vatican visitors. There were three persons who visiting us, namely, one bishop and one Archbishop (John Mayer) plus a Benedictine priest. Each one of us in the community was interviewd by one of visitors for 10-20 minutes. So far, the impression of them toward our community is very good. At 1 p.m. I met Dawn Notwehr, OSF at CTU to submit my paper and sign the contract of her project about case study of racism. In the afternoon I cooked spaghetti.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006.
Morning classes: Natural Law and the Beguines. The Beguines was held at CTU courtyard 2. At noon I went to Saint Peter Loop to have confession and then I went to Thompson Center to donate my blood. It’s my 3rd time to give my blood at this Blood Center. Next will be on May 3rd. At 3 p.m. for a half of hour I met Father Ivan, the U.S. provincial of the Xaverians.

Thursday, March 09, 2006.
In the morning I attended the class of Spirituality and Liturgy (integrating core) then went to post office. At 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. we had community meeting.

Friday, March 10, 2006.
At 9 a.m. at our chapel we had morning prayer followed by retreat given by Father Aniello about ministry of lector and acolyte. At 4 p.m. we shared our experience. At 6 p.m. we as community had dinner fish fry at Chinatown parish, Saint Therese in which Father Michael cooked for the congregation. This time there were about 80 people coming to the station of the cross prayer led by Father Rocco started at 7 p.m. There were some students of Saint Therese school as well coming for this occasssion.

Saturday, March 11, 2006.
In the morning I cleaned the stove at the kitchen and did laundry. I called up two Indonesian old families in Milwaukee to attend my final vows that will be held in Franklin community on Saturday, May 6th. They are Ben-Netty and John-Amy.

Sunday, March 12, 2006.
In the morning Mass at Saint Therese Chinatown Church at 9.30 a.m. presided by Father Tim Kelly, Maryknoll, three Xaverian students (Harno, Valery and Francois) were installed as readers or lectors and three other students (Ignas, Dharmawan and Pascal Atumisi) as acolytes. It was concelebrated as well by Fathers Michael, Rocco and Aniello. The Mass was in Cantonese. At 11 to 12 p.m. I taught the confirmation class together with Cesare, s.j. At 11 a.m. there was Indonesian Mass presided by Father Edi, osc. I met a young Indonesian man, named Anto who is a nephew of Ibu Lita in Jakarta. We had gathering at the basement as usual after the Indonesian Mass and I met some newcomers such as Yohanes Basri and family from New Jersey. He knows some of my Indonesian friends in New York since he was living in New York City for a while. Today is also the 66th birthday of Father Aniello at this parish that was celebrated as well at lunch time with a big cake and some food mainly pasta and meat ball cooked by Father Michael. While we’re in the morning Mass, Father Michael came down at the kitchen and took care of food. As he poured out the pasta, we’re in the church heard the strange sound that was coming out of his action. We could hear it since he didn’t turn the wireless microphone off. Knowing this, directly I went down to the kitchen and silently asked him to turn it off.
This afternoon I gave George a floppy disk of the invitation of my deaconate ordination and memory cards to be printed out.
At 3 p.m. we had meditation with Father Michael, Edi and a lady plus myself. I went home to Hyde Park with Deacon Paul, svd. After the evening prayer and supper cooked by Father Rocco, I typed this journal.
This past week the weather was very nice: raining once in a while and not that cold, between 50’s to 60’s degrees Fahrenheit.

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